After unprecedented demand for our rugs in 2020, we have finally made the move to relocate our office and warehouse!
After a long search for ‘The One’, we decided to make the move from our current, much loved little space in Mortdale (which we had DEFINITELY outgrown) to a state-of-the-art distribution centre in Granville.

Moving is no mean feat! The average weight of our rugs is 10kg, and with over 5,000 rugs in stock that’s almost 50 TONNES of rugs to move! Not to mention forklifts, stock pickers, all our office requirements… it’s a big job! Lucky Ben, Christian and our Warehouse team are up to the task!
This is 1 full rack, our old warehouse can fit only 6 of these.
The new warehouse can fit 20 racks!

To keep everything running smoothly we’ll be operating two sites until we are totally settled into our new home! During the transition we are trying our best to keep any disruptions to a minimum, but in some cases we may see a small delay in dispatching our rugs.
In the long run our shiny new space will make it much quicker and easier to get our rugs to you, faster - we’re so grateful for our customers’ support in helping our little business grow!
We can’t wait to share the big reveal of our new distribution centre once we are all moved in!
Watch this space!
Much Love